| Dispense your own sparkling water, soda water, carbonated water, or club soda at your home, office, or business!

Draft Arm Seltzer Dispensers

What is Seltzer Water?

Seltzer water (also called sparkling water) is simply plain water that has carbon dioxide (CO2) mixed into it for that crisp, refreshing, fizzy texture. It may also have minerals or flavoring added for additional taste or health benfits. Club soda, for instance, typically contains a small amount of sodium (salt).

Seltzer vs. Tonic

While similar in the sense that they are both carbonated water, tonic water has some clear distinctions from seltzer. A bitter taste is the trademark of tonic water, which is caused by the ingredient quinine and was originally used as defense against malaria.

The presence of quinine causes tonic water to be flourescent under ultraviolet light.

How is Carbonated Water Made?

How a Carbonator Makes Carbonated WaterA carbonator is the piece of equipment responsible for creating the carbonated water for soft drinks of every kind. Plain water (H2O) is pumped into the tank of the carbonator. Additionally, carbon dioxide (CO2) is also forced into the tank under pressure. This process is called, "carbonation". You can see how this and the rest of a soda fountain works in the video below.

Is Seltzer Water Bad for You?

Rumors and myths abound regarding the health benefits or deficits of carbonated drinks. It's important to know what's fact and what's fiction. There are studies that suggest sparkling water and carbonated mineral water have several health benefits for conditions such as:

Reference: Health Effects of Carbonated Water -

Because of the lack of sugar, seltzer water is often used as a substitute for regular soda fountain beverages. With a slice of lemon or some fruit juice added, you can still get that refreshing fizz in a healthy alternative to regular soft drinks.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

It should be noted, the gas expansion from release of dissolved CO2 in carbonation can lead to the distension of the stomach. Aside from the less serious case of triggering hiccups, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can also be aggravated. Furthermore, the stomach distension may reduce the effectiveness of stomach acid to digest food that requires sufficient acidity. Sufferers of IBS are advised to eliminate carbonated drinks from their diet (as well as many other items) to allow the GI lining to heal.

Read more: Harmful Effects of Carbonated Water |

The general thing to know is, carbonation does not necessarily make a beverage bad for you. Other factors such as excess sugar, phosphoric acid, and other additives or ingredients found in soft drinks are more likely to cause problems if you drink them too often. As with many things in life, moderation is the key.

On this website, you'll find seltzer water dispensers suitable for home or business use as well as common replacement parts. Should you be looking for complete systems that include all of the necessary equipment to make and dispense seltzer water, check out and